9D Breathwork Transformational Experiences Release - Receive - Remember Group Sessions/Events Coming in 2025
After offering this amazing transformation tool to my clients, I decided it was time to offer it to the entire Indy community. There will be three ways to enjoy 9D Breathwork group sessions: adding it to an event or retreat you are facilitating, private group sessions in your office or home for those I know, or public group events at locations like yoga studios or wellness centers around Indy. Public events will be coming soon and will be posted below with links to register. Pricing will depend on location and number of participants. Group sessions are up to 11 people. I keep it small, so I can provide personal support for each person in the group. For more about 9D Breathwork, please visit my Breathwork page.
What Can You Expect From a Group 9D Breathwork Session?
This is not your typical breathwork class. You're group will wear specially designed headphones to take full advantage of the amazing music, multi-dimensional sound and healing frequencies. They'll wear an eye mask to help them focus within while they do conscious connective breathing techniques. They'll be on yoga mats on the floor so they can relax and move with their breath. They'll be guided through the journey while I hold space, move energy and bring healing frequencies in to enhance their experience and support healing for everyone's highest good. There are several journeys to choose from, so you can choose the journey that best fits your event or group. Sessions are 1.5-2 hours depending on the journey you choose. Your participants will be taken on a journey of release, receiving, remembering, transformation and healing that they won't forget! Each participant will be required to complete the liability waiver and discuss any contraindications before the group session. See list of contraindications on the breathwork page. I provide the headphones and I can bring extra eye masks for those that don't have them. Depending on where your event is, you can provide the yoga mat, pillow, bolster and blanket or have the participants bring them to accommodate everyone's comfort. Cost will depend on number of participants and location. Interested in having a 9D Breathwork party or adding 9D Breathwork to your event or your business? Contact me and I'd love to talk with you.
Events Around Indy This is where you'll find future public events being held at wellness centers, yoga studios and wellness businesses around Indianapolis. Events will be coming in 2025. I look forward to serving the larger community with 9D Breathwork!
if you'd like to reduce stress, increase energy, have greater balance, heal from an injury or illness, clear trauma, unleash your healing potential and thrive. I'm here to support you because you're worth it!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, mental health care professional, nutritionist or dietitian and do not provide medical advice or psychological advice. I do not diagnose, heal, cure or treat disease. Nothing I say or do should be misconstrued as such. I make no guarantees about the results of my services. Please see the appropriate medical practitioner and/or mental health professional for advice and needs. All of my services complement and integrate well with conventional and integrative medicine.